What We Do

Our work is tailored to the needs of clients, and reflects all levels of heritage and archaeology advice, ranging from simple pre-application assessments or farm surveys to expert witness at Inquiry. We are used to working in a demanding, fast-moving environment, and fully understand the pressures and deadlines associated with grant or planning applications. 

We offer dependable and pragmatic advice to clients, and provide robust, thorough assessments and statements, which are designed to meet the requirements of the planning process.

Our consultancy service offers a prompt, cost-effective and creative response to any heritage or archaeological aspects of planning, which aims to minimise risk and provide a sustainable outcome. We believe that, wherever possible, the successful management of change in the historic environment should include the ‘adding of value’ to any development or initiative.

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Archaeological Assessments

We can carry out comprehensive desk-based archaeological assessments of specific sites or wider areas to support planning or grant applications, or to inform management plans.

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Heritage Statements

As essential planning documents, these will include full assessments of archaeological potential, together with impact assessments, including effects of proposals on heritage settings.


Conservation Management Plans

For both historic buildings and archaeological sites, and designed to support applications for both planning permission and longer-term funding.


Farm and Estate Heritage Plans

Comprehensive farm and heritage assessments and management plans to support environmental stewardship applications or HMRC Inheritance Tax schemes.


Historic Buildings

Historic building survey, analysis and conservation plans.



We can undertake detailed academic research on any aspect of the historic environment.


Expert Witness

We have a good track record in appearing as expert witness for heritage at appeal and at public inquiry, and preparing proofs of evidence.


Archaeological Investigation

We can prepare Written Schemes of Investigation and Archaeological Mitigation Statements, including deposit modelling, where appropriate, and assist in the commissioning of excavation and survey.


Statutory Consents

We are experienced in procedures for applying for Scheduled Monument and Listed Building Consent and in negotiating with Historic England and Local Planning Authorities.


Finds Analysis

We can undertake analysis of classes of later prehistoric and Romano-British finds, including coins and pottery.

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Project Scoping

We can identify risks and opportunities for development sites at early stages of project planning, and will recommend appropriate strategies.


Finding constructive solutions